Sunday, January 1, 2012

You Can Really Milk It, Huh?

The other night, Tink developed a fever at some point while he was sleeping.  He woke up screaming and crying.  I shot into his room to figure out what was going on, put one hand on him & realized he had a high fever.  

I scooped him up, took him to our bedroom, put him on the bed & told him to sit tight for a minute while I got him some juice (that's what we call liquid medicine).  

He immediately started crying again, saying it was too dark, so I turned Caillou on the TV.  Ah, the soothing glow of Nick Jr....

He has a history of febrile seizures, so fevers always make me really nervous (I am aware that the seizures are caused by fevers that spike really quickly, so catching his fever before it gets really high, really fast, probably means no seizure.  Trust me when I say that does not make me worry any less!). 

I brought him his meds & let him sleep in our bed.  

Fast-forward to the next afternoon.  

He'd been fine all day.  No fever.  Good mood. Excited to go to a midday basketball game.  It was like the fever in the middle of the night had never happened.  

So, I said, "I'm so glad you are feeling better! I love it when you're happy and in a good mood!"

And he responded with, "Yeah, mama.  Yi peeya beya." (That is Tink speak for "I feel better.")

But, then.....

Duhn, duhn... Duhn, duhn...

I said it was nap time.

"No me tate nap, mama! Yi peeya yitty.  Yi peeya yitty! No nap!"

Translation: No me take nap.  I feel icky!

Seriously?! You've been fine for hours! I mention nap time and you decide that not only do you feel cruddy, but napping will most certainly make you feel worse?!  No way, kid.  I'm not buying what you are trying to sell.

Ok... Maybe I'm buying a little bit.  Or maybe I'm just an occasional pushover. 

In the end, we compromised.

No nap... 

Quiet time... 

On the couch... 

While watching The Fresh Beat Band... 

And eating animal crackers.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to get better at not caving to the fake illnesses.  

At least before he begins feigning the flu to avoid a Chemistry exam. 

Thank goodness I have some time.


  1. He sounds like a hilariously awesome kid. He's got you all figured out. So smart!

  2. I don't know how you manage to make illnesses (real or imagined) sound so funny. Seriously...I see a non-fiction humor book in your future! Need an editor or agent or just someone to laugh at all the appropriate places? I'm available CHEAP!

  3. Gaga, I appreciate the fact that you think I'm funny enough to keep you entertained for an entire book.

    I may be humorous in a 200 word post, but a 200 page book would probably be a bit more difficult. I'm not sure there would be too many people willing to stick with me through my ramblings should they become THAT long!

  4. How about VERY short chapters each being one of your blogs?
