Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sometimes You Just Sleep With Spiderman

Tink went to the SIU women's basketball game with MaMaw and PawPaw tonight.

He LOVES SIU basketball games.  

I mean, seriously, there is very little that makes this kid happier.

So, he came home in a great mood, despite it being way past his bedtime.

After we went through the potty routine (what is it that makes him have to poop every night at the same time he is supposed to be going to bed?! I can't get annoyed because he really does poop; it isn't just a ploy to get out of hitting the sack!), we made a beeline for the bed.

I say "beeline" because we truly did move super quick.

So quick, Tink forgot his pants... Really.  
I had to remind him to put them on.  Guess the little man was just that tired.

What he did not forget, however, was his football helmet.  
Nor did he forget Spiderman.

Because it is imperative he sleep with both of them. 

Well, imperative since about 15 minutes ago, anyway.  He has never needed them before.

So this is what I get:

Tink? Seriously?

Dude, you are SO not sleeping in a football helmet.  I don't care how many people tell you the Giants are going to be in the Super Bowl.....

And when I told him he needed to take the helmet off:

Uh... Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I can still see you..... and the helmet.

And, no, it doesn't matter how cute you are when you look at me and say "Cheese!", you are still gonna have to lose the helmet.

So we tried a compromise:

Although cute, that didn't last long either.  If the helmet is on Elmo, Tink can't touch it.  It is too far away.

So, we went with Plan C.

This is Tink after I told him we could move the helmet closer.  Who would've thought sleeping with a hard, cold, oversized piece of plastic could be so important to a kid?

 Once we moved it back to the top of the bed, he could put his hand on it.  That made it all better.  Is this normal for kids? I mean, who in their right mind wants to sleep while holding a football helmet?!  (And, this has nothing to do with his bedtime-wants, but LOOK AT THOSE EYELASHES!  Could you die?! I am super jealous....)

But, don't forget, we didn't just take the helmet to bed.  We took Spiderman, too.  Once the helmet was situated, a mini-meltdown ensued because we weren't sure where Spiderman went.  Have no fear... Spiderman is still here.  Or there.  Whatever.

Did I mention he is missing an arm?  Tink loves him all the same.

Doesn't it look like he is getting great sleep?  I'd blame it on the helmet and Spiderman, but I'm sure Mama's camera's flash doesn't have the most calming, sleep-inducing qualities.  

Oh, and just because I love this picture, take note of all of Tink's buddies in bed with him; Elmo (Mo-mo), Spongebob (Bob-bob) and Boots (Boo).  They've been friends for years.  Since way back in the day.... the crib-life day. 

And, just so you know, it took him less time to fall asleep than it took me to type this post.  That kid is zonked!  With Spiderman on his pillow and his arm around his helmet.  :)

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