Saturday, March 3, 2012

Here We Go!

Get on up,
Clap your hands,
When you hear the FRESH BEAT BAND!!!!

We did a LOT of clapping.


Because we were watching the Fresh Beat Band LIVE, in concert, at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in St. Louis!

And it was AWESOME.

No, it was better than awesome. 

I can't think of a word that means better than awesome, so I'll just say it was 
the awesome-er-est ever!!!

And that was, in part, thanks to the boys enjoying it so much.

This is Kiki.  We heart her.  Especially Tink.  That is why his t-shirt said as much.  

This one is blurry because they weren't sitting still.  
Seriously.  They were dancing and moving the entire time.  
And, based on Tink's hands, I'm assuming he was screaming at this point, as well.

We had such great seats!

I mean, the show was so fantastic.  I sang along with every song they performed.  
Like, I knew almost all of the words.  I don't know if I want to be proud of that or mortified.  

Eh, whatever.  My kids think it is cool.

Know what else was cool? 
Our FBB t-shirts.
Made by yours truly.

Tink's said he hearts Kiki, like I already mentioned. 

Goose's outfit was a mini-replica of Shout's.  In fact, when we were walking in, the woman working the front table asked if we were friends of Shout's.  
I told her we were not, but asked if she knew how we could get to the back to become friends.  
Seriously... I really asked.  
It didn't work.

The Hubs and me had shirts inspired by their songs, "Just Like A Rockstar" and "Go Bananas", respectively.  
I'll add that I was stopped by a girl who looked about 7 and told that my shirt was super cool.  
It was.
Thanks, little girl.

Anyway, the boys had a blast.  
They sang.
They danced.
They looked adorable gettin' jiggy together.

This is Goose doing his own funny little dance.  
He always waves his arms up and down.  
He was doing that as he spun in circles.  :)

Tink screamed for Kiki and Goose waved to Shout as he made his way down the aisle near us.  

Did I mention it was awesome?

Here is a video to prove how great it was:

They blew confetti at the end and the boys were amazed!

Tink wanted some.  So he held his hand up with the expectation that someone would hand a piece or two to him.  
It didn't happen.

We took lots of pictures.  
I'll just post some more of those and do less talking.  
I don't have enough words to say how great it was, anyway.

Don't mind the tiger coat. 
He wanted to be a tiger.  
Plus, I secretly love his tiger coat.
Eventually he will be too old to think a tiger coat is cool.
I'm going to appreciate it while he is still so young and adorable. 

This is possibly one of my new favorite pictures.  
Don't be surprised if you walk into my house and see it on the wall.

I will be checking their touring schedule.  
I would take them back in a heartbeat.  
Or in a Fresh Beat.

As the Fresh Beats would say, 

"We had a great day, 
It was a super way, 
To spend some time together!
We had a great day,
The very best day,
And nothing could be better!"


  1. It's 12:30a.m. and I have a huge smile on my face. Love you!

  2. Love the shirts, love the pic of Tink covering his mouth (despite the blur) love this post. Looks like everybody had the best time ever!

  3. Love the shirts, love the pic of Tink covering his mouth (despite the blur) love this post. Looks like everybody had the best time ever!

  4. Looks like you all had a pretty good time.
    If that situation ever came up at our house though, I would seriously consider shooting myself in the foot so I do not have to go.

  5. Great post, great shirts, great kids!!!!
