It is Valentine's Day!
And I am a super lucky girl because I have three handsome, loving men in my life who have stolen my heart.
And, I want to share how much I love them with you!
Tink and Goose are my world.
They are the little pieces of my heart I keep outside of my body.
And their Valentine's Day cards are possibly the cutest things I have ever seen.
Seriously, how cute are they?!
I can't wait to help them hand their cards out to all of their little friends at school today.
Maybe this will help Goose overcome some of those
aggression issues he has with his fellow toddlers.
Or at least it may help the other toddler parents from
wanting to kick his 16-month-old butt for beating up their kid.
Whatever works, you know?
And then there is The Hubs.
I totally heart that guy.
Not that he doesn't make me nuts sometimes, 'cause he does. And I am fully aware that I make him nuts fairly often sometimes, too.
But, I've said more than once that I no matter how crazy he makes me or how irritated we can get with each other, I know, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY, that my worst days with him are still better than my best days without him.
For serious, I love this guy.
We do "I Love You"s regularly.
Like, all of the time.
Sidenote: I am a big believer in the idea that, if you love someone, TELL THEM. You never know when your time with them may end.
Don't leave your love to be questioned.
Make it known.
Friends, Lovers, Family.
Tell them all.
I love The Hubs.
He is my rock, my best friend, my confidant, my equalizer.
The yin to my yang.
The ketchup to my french fries.
The deodorant to my steamy day.
Don't tell him I compared him to deodorant. ;)
Bottom line is this:
He is everything I never knew I needed.
I figured out I wanted him, but didn't realize how much I needed him in my life.
Not in the way that I can't survive without him, but in the way that he is able
to keep me grounded.
He reminds me of what is important and makes sure I keep my priorities straight.
He gets me.
And that is why I love him.
This is for you, babe.
So, we're going to dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day.
We made reservations for 9:00pm at Global Gourmet, the local restaurant where we eat for every wedding anniversary.
It is AMAZING and we only go there for special dates because it isn't cheap.
I just can't justify $85.00 for dinner on the regular.
Ahem... So $85.00 encompasses dinner AND drinks. Whatever.
I have a present to give The Hubs at dinner. And I am pretty excited about it.
Here it is:
Alright, so it isn't that exciting.
But, I'm still stoked about the premise of the gift.
It is cheesy and has Hallmark Holiday written all over it, but that is besides the point.
The Hubs and I have only been married for about four and a half years.
It is rare that we run out of things to talk about.
Regardless, it isn't a bad thing to have random conversation initiators every now and then.
And that was my point for getting him Conversation Cards for V-Day.
No matter how well we know each other, how much we think we've learned all there is to learn, there is always some bit of information we can surprise one another with.
That is what helps our relationship to continue to grow.
I plan to take to take them to dinner. It will make things different.... lively.
(Save your judgement if you think it won't make things "lively." If you've never been with someone for years, you may not understand my definition of "lively." Or, if you have been with someone for a long time & think there is nothing new to learn from your partner, try it. You may be surprised.)
Whether you believe me or not, I have to say I am SO excited for tonight!
It has been way too long since we've gotten a real date night, just the two of us, alone.
And, since it is V-Day, I'll leave you with this gem.
This is my boys, loving one another:
This is my boys, loving one another:
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love this!!