I have some thoughts.
I'm feeling like sharing.
And, it just so happens that I had ten things to share this Tuesday.
I'm just saying... I wouldn't expect Ten Things Tuesdays to become a regular occurrence.
I mean, someday I may need to do a Seven Things Saturday... Or whatever.
Regardless of the day or the number of random thoughts I have, you should feel free to comment and share your thoughts on anything below! Or anything not below.
Whatever works for you. :)
Whatever works for you. :)
1. We recently finished making our home more open. The wall between the living room and kitchen became a half-wall. And I am in love. I'll have a post on that soon. It is AH-MAZING.
2. McDonalds has these new Chicken McBites and they are delish! I don't typically do fast food (see this post where I mentioned my attempting to lose the "baby weight"), but I was short on time, I was starving, and I had a moment of weakness. Well. Worth. It.
3. DO NOT watch The First 48 at home, alone (two small, sleeping children do not count as company), at night. It will freak you out and you will end up convinced a mass murderer is creeping around in your backyard... Or on your porch... Or in your basement. Because that noise you just heard surely wasn't your sump pump kicking on. *Ahem.*
4. If you come to my home and notice the couple of random birds we have in the house, just ignore them. No, not real birds. Bird figurines or statues or whatever you want to call them. My grandmother collected birds and having them in the house reminds me of her. We aren't crazy bird people, I swear.
5. Speaking of grandparents, I miss mine. It really bothers me that I never had the opportunity to get to know my grandparents on my dad's side. My grandfather passed away when I was really young. Although my grandmother passed away a number of years after that, she was in poor health for quite some time and I was never really close to her. I think her sickness scared me and, as a child, I didn't know how to deal with that. My grandparents on my mom's side passed away within the last few years, but they lived in Florida throughout my entire life. I never had the opportunity to spend much time with them. I feel like I missed out on really valuable time. There are things I want to be able to ask them, things I want to know, but I'll never have that opportunity. And that makes me sad.
6. On a totally related note, tell the people you care about that you love them. Life is short. Don't risk leaving this world and having someone you love not know how you felt about them. Friends, family, lovers... Tell them all.
7. It is supposed to be almost SEVENTY DEGREES on Thursday. Holy goodness! While I am excited for the not-freezing temps, I will admit I am afraid the warm temps will bring tornadoes (See this post for my feelings on such). Lord help us if we end up in the basement, in February, again. I am likely to lose my mind.
8. Then. Than. They are not interchangeable. PLEASE figure it out. It makes my skin crawl. I won't mention the others (you're vs your, their vs they're vs there, too vs to, etc.). I mean, I know entering "ur" on a cell phone can auto-correct to make it "your" when you actually meant "you're." It happens. But, then and than? I'm not putting that off on autocorrect. You are responsible for this idiocy. If you are unsure of which word you should be using, check this website. Super simple. Be mindful of your grammar and leave the world a better place then you entered it.
I kid! I kid! Leave the world a better place *than* you entered it. See? You are learning. ;)
9. The Voice is back on TV! Whoot-whoot! I fell in love with Javier Colon and Dia Frampton last season. I can't wait to see who my favs will be this year. If you haven't seen it, I'll gift you these gems:
Uh, yeah. American Idol, who?
10. I ran across this video today. Although it was evidently inspired by the death of Whitney Houston, I think the bigger message (and the reason I am choosing to share it) is one of making the choice to write your own story in life. Decide to do better, be better, love better. Enjoy.
Happy Tuesday, guys.
I definitely liked the video u posted about Whitney!
ReplyDelete"Get interested in getting the full victory out your life"
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ReplyDeleteRegarding number 8: I agree wholeheartedly. Grammar is not difficult. I refuse to buy anything from Craig's list if the add has any miss spellings and/or grammatical mistakes, even if it is something I really want or need. My personal pet peeve is when people say something is "for sell." No, it is not. It is for SALE; you are SELLING it.
ReplyDeleteNos. 5 & 6 made me weepy. I love all of you so much! I miss M&D on a daily basis. I'm glad that your boys know their grandparents so well. I can't go on without getting maudlin.........