Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ever Feel Like You've Had A Moment Of Genius?

I had to take the mini in yesterday to have some body work done 
because someone hit it not too long ago.

Since I am carless, my parents let us borrow their pick-up truck.  

While I am very grateful for the loaner vehicle, it is not a car which can accommodate 
car seats, so it makes things a bit difficult.  

We figured it would work best for The Hubs to drive the truck while I use our other car (a four door sedan) to tote the boys around.  

I headed out to the car with the boys this morning and was quickly reminded of why I never drive The Hubs' car.

During soccer season, because he is so busy, he practically lives out of his car.
This means it is absolutely disgusting, abhorrent, nausea-inducing, 
repugnant, filthy, kinda messy.

After cleaning the random stuff out of the car, I realized I needed professional help.

I called my father-in-law to see if his cousin (he details cars) 
could squeeze our car into his schedule.  
Lucky for me, he was free to do it today and came to pick the car up at our house.

I decided I would clean out the car seats (which were just as gross) 
while the car was being detailed.  

So, I dragged them out of the car (with the boys still strapped into them because that was the best way I could figure to keep the monsters contained. I should have gotten a picture, but I didn't think about it.  They looked pretty funny strapped into seats in the middle of my driveway.) and into the living room.  

I vacuumed the seats out and made some adjustments to the straps.
I had the boys sit in them so I could be sure the straps were placed correctly.

This is when I had my uber brilliant idea:

Do NOT take the boys back out of their seats.

I mean, if they are content to be strapped into the chairs in the 
middle of the living room, why question it? 

 If they think it is funny to be in carseats that aren't in the car, who would 
I be to tell them they are wrong?

Let them enjoy the "fun" as long as they want to, right?

When was the last time I've talked about Goose being as calm and quiet as he is here?

And how often do I talk about Tink being silent and still?

Uh... the answer is never.

Seriously.  Look at these two:

Want to know what I've learned today?

1.  You should find your silver lining in every situation.  The car deal could have just been a pain in the rear, but a half an hour of quiet time gleaned indirectly from the mini needing repairs is DEFINITELY a silver lining.  

2.  Don't mess with a good thing.  Your kids are perfectly content being strapped into their carseats in the middle of the living room floor? Fine, leave them there.  Why unleash them when you know it means they will begin wreaking havoc again?  

3.  The Hubs owes me big time for having his disaster of a car cleaned up (partly by me, but mostly by a professional).  I will tell him as much and expect payment in the form of back rubs.  Like, for real back rubs.  Not 30 second back rubs that are actually 
precursors for his real intentions...

4.  My kids are cute.  Feel free to check out those pictures again if you have 
any doubts about this statement.

5.  My vacuum needs to be cleaned out.  I totally cropped it out of the above pictures because I thought it would gross you guys out to see the contents of the canister.  I know that is besides the point of the rest of this story, but it was something I learned today...

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