Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ain’t No Party Like An Ol’ Skool Party!

Road trips with The Hubs.  
These are always fun.  
Depending on the length of the trip, they are one of the few times we get to spend hours upon seemingly endless hours with just each other, talking about all sorts of things. 
At least when I’m not facebooking or shopping, from the comfort of the front seat, on my iPhone.  
But, I digress.
I know there is always one for-sure thing I can expect from a road trip:
The CD Case.
Containing all of his “mixed cds” from his college years.  
A lot of hip-hop.
And a lot more bass.
And probably a headache. 

On my part, not his.  

See? They are endless.  

And kind of gross.  Some of these are really old.  And, although I can't remember if he said it was his brother or his sister, someone spilled an icky something (hot chocolate, I believe) on the case years ago.  Hence the sticky, dirty look.  


Each cd has a random title “Get Hype”, “Warm Up 2”, “Ham and Cheese”... 

Ok, I made up that last one, but the names really are seriously random.

Why would "Paint Job" be the name of a cd?

Each one has a story to go along with it, usually revolving around his college friends (herein after referred to as “The Unit” or “T-Unit”).  Like, some random Nelly tune could be the theme song from that one night he and The Unit walked to a house party (Yeah, that is the whole story).  Or, it was the song they listened to when The Unit went to a track meet at some college and one of them tripped during their race, forever to be remembered through their relentless teasing of each other.  
That point deserves a post of its own.  Someday I’ll attempt to explain the loving relationship between The Unit members....
T-Unit.  Lookin' good, fellas.  :)
Although some of the stories seem to lack the climactic element that makes story-telling interesting (no offense, Babe), some of them are funny.
Know what is better than hearing a funny story?
Watching your husband get excited & giggle while telling the story.  

Especially if your husband is not a get-excited-and-giggle kind of guy.

Even if I don’t find the story itself to be the most interesting thing I’ve ever heard, I am ALWAYS entertained by how much he loves remembering the old days.  
And, he will typically send HeyTell message (like a spoken text message, for those not in-the-know) or call one of The Unit guys to reminisce about something at some point during our trip.  
And he laughs. 

A lot.  

And I love it.  :)
Totally worth the headache. 

But, if he wanted to lower the bass level, I wouldn’t argue.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Pinterest Pants

So, last night while praying my child would finally fall asleep for good preparing for bed, I decided to wind down with a little Mama-Pinterest time.

What this usually means is I start with a few pins and, through the course of checking out a tutorial on someone's blog, I end up spending way too much time blog-hopping.

As a result of such, I found this.

And I fell in love.  

I knew I had to make some for Tink.  His SIU pants are way too short, but this cheap frugal Mama figured I could come up with something besides buying a new pair off the rack.  

Enter the t-shirt pants.

So, I started with this:

Began cutting & pinning:

Added a bit of nose picking enthusiastic encouragement from Tink:

And ended up with these!

(This is what happens when you ask him to stand up straight, smile, and not move. Umm, ok.)

These pants are totally worth missing the opportunity to nap myself while Goose was sleeping. 

Plus, I'm surviving on the caffeine afforded to me by my Christmas gift from A.J.: 


Praise the lord for that gift.  It is helping me to keep my sanity while the boys' school is closed for break.

Disclaimer: Don't mind the not-so-great pictures.  I'll try to remember to use an actual camera when taking blog pictures, as opposed to my phone.  

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Go. To. Bed.

Tomorrow, at the butt crack of dawn, we are headed up north. 

My cousin is getting married (Shout-out to Peanut! Whoop-whoop!) and The Hubs and I are going to meet my parents up in the Chicago area.

Ok, so it isn't Chicago.  It is Joliet-ish.  But if I name the actual 'burb, most people would ask, "Where?!"

Tink and Goose are staying at the MIL's house.  And I am grateful for that.  I love my kids, but I don't love a 6 hour ride up, a wedding ceremony, a wedding reception with adult beverages (Ahem.), and a 6 hour ride back the next morning with my kids.

It is currently 11:41.  

I am in trouble.  

When I said "butt crack", I meant we will be dropping the boys off by no later than 7am. 

This means I must be up, ready to go, have the boys packed & out the door by 6:45-ish.

It is currently 11:41.

Just in case you missed it the first time. 

I need to be asleep. 

However, I am blogging (This shows a lot more promise than two years ago when I lost focus, huh?!).

But, don't you worry.  
Because I am not worried.  
Wanna know why?

Thanks, AJ.  :)

I'm Back

I said in my very first post that I would try to blog regularly.  

Big time.

Well, I've decided I'm ready to try again.  I mean, I have been thinking about it for quite some time and today was the day I opened my very outdated old blog and chose to start a new post.  

Go ahead.  Get excited.  I'll wait.

See? Goose is stoked.

I made the decision because I have a lot to say.  Facebook statuses are not cutting it.  And, this is why I'm also a Twitter failure.  160 characters?! Who can limit themselves that much?! 
Not this girl.

So, here I am.  Ready to over-share.  I'll try to stay at least semi-regular and not let there be a couple-of-years gap again.  I'll also try not to post more than once (ok, twice) a day.  It just depends on whether my thoughts are worthy of a post rather than just a status update.  And, remember, worthy is in the eye of the beholder.  Or something like that.....