Friday, December 30, 2011

Pinterest Pants

So, last night while praying my child would finally fall asleep for good preparing for bed, I decided to wind down with a little Mama-Pinterest time.

What this usually means is I start with a few pins and, through the course of checking out a tutorial on someone's blog, I end up spending way too much time blog-hopping.

As a result of such, I found this.

And I fell in love.  

I knew I had to make some for Tink.  His SIU pants are way too short, but this cheap frugal Mama figured I could come up with something besides buying a new pair off the rack.  

Enter the t-shirt pants.

So, I started with this:

Began cutting & pinning:

Added a bit of nose picking enthusiastic encouragement from Tink:

And ended up with these!

(This is what happens when you ask him to stand up straight, smile, and not move. Umm, ok.)

These pants are totally worth missing the opportunity to nap myself while Goose was sleeping. 

Plus, I'm surviving on the caffeine afforded to me by my Christmas gift from A.J.: 


Praise the lord for that gift.  It is helping me to keep my sanity while the boys' school is closed for break.

Disclaimer: Don't mind the not-so-great pictures.  I'll try to remember to use an actual camera when taking blog pictures, as opposed to my phone.  


  1. Can you get any more talented (sewing, house decorating, raising beautiful children, etc.)? Keep the blogging going (and pictures), and you'll have a book to publish in no time. My niece, "the author," has a nice ring to it!!

  2. PS: I really like the comments you deleted by drawing a line through them. The "uncensored" versions are hysterical!
