Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Update: Santa's Little Helper Or Mama's Big Depressor?

Well, it obviously isn't taking me very long to write an update.

It is taking only about five hours.

And, it is because I am currently feeling like





For those of you with whom I am not friends on Facebook, here are my last status updates:

And it only got worse from there.

The Hubs had to leave to go pick up some soccer jerseys.

As he was walking out the door he said, "He is up."

"Who?" I asked. "Tink?"


"Why?  What's wrong?"

"I don't know.  He was sitting up in bed.  I think you traumatized him."

[Thanks for the support, babe.  You suck, too.]

So, I headed into the bedroom.  

I could hear him sniffling as I walked down the hallway.

I turned into the room, asked him what was wrong, and he started sobbing.

I walked over to the bed, sat down, and pulled him into my arms.  

The conversation that followed went like this:

Me: Hey, baby.  What is the matter?  

Tink (snort... drool... snot):  I not know! 

Me: Stop crying, baby.  It makes me sad.  Why are you crying?

Tink: Be-tawz I tad! (Translation: Because I'm sad!)

Me: Why are you sad?

Tink (more snorting): Be-tawz Ben noh hee-yah! (Because Ben not here)

Me: I'm sorry you are sad that Ben isn't here.  Do you remember what Ben's letter said?

Tink (sobbing louder and leaving a snot trail across my cheek): Yeeeeeeeees!

Me: Ok, what did Ben say?

Tink (still sobbing): I be duhd (snort) ah na-aaap! (I'll be good at nap)

Me:  So if he doesn't make it back by tomorrow morning, he may be here tomorrow after school, right?

Tink (more snotting): Yeeee-aaaah!

Me: Ok baby.  Ben will be back.  Don't be sad.  You just need to have a good day tomorrow and then he will come back to see you, ok?

Tink:  Oh-tay.

Me: Ok.  Go ahead and lay down and try to go back to sleep.

Tink:  Mommy, I nee a hud.  I tad.  (I need a hug.  I'm sad)

So I give him one.

And I tuck him back in.

Then I practically sprint out of the room so I won't crumble into 
a blubbering, snotty mess in the middle of his bedroom floor.

Oh, the pain.

I feel terrible right now.  

I need this to work so that, if for no other reason, I don't feel like a total crap mama.

I'd planned to update you on whether the use of Ben was a motivating factor for good behavior during nap time, but I really needed to tell you about tonight first.

I hope you don't start to get an Elf-overload, but I had 
to share for my own mental well-being.

Say a prayer for us all.  

I'm gonna say a prayer for us, too.

And then have another glass of wine.


  1. Amazing. Drew and I were just talking about those tonight because it was the subject of a talk show. We applaud you for sticking with it. I know it's hard enough when I don't give a dog a cookie at night because he's been bad. Can't imagine what you're going through.

    1. Well, what I am going through has led me to 2.5 glasses of wine. I am telling myself they are well-earned. The follow-through is a REALLY HARD but REALLY NECESSARY part of parenting. And it sucks.

  2. You did the right, brave, and HARD thing. It will work, so try not to worry. Get some rest...Ben will be back soon. ;) ((hugs))
