Saturday, November 10, 2012

What Did You Say?

Things in our house are never dull.

I have no idea where the boys come up with the things they do and the stuff that comes out of their mouths.

I mean, Goose is barely two years old, but he says and does some pretty funny stuff.

And Tink has evidently decided he is going to say what he wants, when he wants to, regardless of how much truth is contained therein.

Here are some examples...

Me: Tink, please don't pick your nose and eat your boogers.  
Tink: Why?
Me: Do you remember the conversation we had about germs? It is icky.
Tink: Ok... (about a 10 second pause)... Mama, I jus wipe dem on my shirt, 'stead, kay?
Me: (Speechless)

Me: Tink, what do you want for dinner?
Tink: I nee' toy-tiss (that is how he asks for "choices").
Me: Ok, do you want ravioli or mac 'n cheese with a hotdog?
Tink: Ummmm... I hab fwuit woops.
Me: Fruit Loops were not an option.
Tink: Tanks, mama.  I wike fwuit woops.

Goose: NAKEY BABY!!!!!
(see this post for an explanation of why hearing this is a problem)

Tink and Goose are watching a movie in the car and one of the 
main characters mentions his underthings...

Tink: Mama, he tay 'undie'.
Me: Who do you know who wears undies? 
(My thought was that he would say everyone wears undies...)
Tink: I no weah undie, mama.  I weah unduhweah.
Me: Oh, ok.
About 30 seconds later...
Tink: Mama?
Me: Yeah, Tink?
Tink: PawPaw weah undie.
Me: (Speechless... again.  What in his little brain says "I don't wear undies, but my PawPaw does"?!?!)

Goose: Ah duh, mama.
Me: You're all done? Are you ready to get down from the table?
Goose: Yah.
And then he emphasized his point by picking up his 95% full bowl of ravioli and throwing it on the floor. 

Me (as I am attempting to tighten the adjustable sizers in the waist band of Tink's pants because he looks like a hoodlum):  Tink, what happened to your buttons?
Tink: I nah know, Mama.
Me:  Did they fall off today?  I know they were here last time you wore these pants.
Tink:  No, de Ee-tuh Bunny eat dem.
Me: The Easter Bunny?
Tink:  Yeah.  He eat my pant.
*Heretofore Unknown Fact: The Easter Bunny evidently gets hungry in November.

I wish I could write down all of the random things these kids say.  
They really are super funny.
I'm going to try to start keeping better notes, maybe a memo in my 
cell phone to keep track of some of this stuff.

To be honest, though, it isn't always what they say.  
Sometimes it is what they do.

Case in point:

This is how I found Tink this afternoon when I'd just finished changing Goose's diaper:

Yes, that is my bra.  
No, it does not double as a backpack.  
Tink just didn't get the memo.

And this is how I was greeted by Goose early the other morning:

Yes, he is doing naked push-ups.
And, yes, Tink was naked, too.  
He, however, was just standing and watching Goose.  
He is evidently not big on nudie workouts first thing in the AM.

They keep me on my toes.
And I love it.
And I love them.
And I love all of their nonsense. 

I just wish I didn't have to work so hard to keep one kid out 
of my clothes and the other kid in his own...

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