I was having a bit of a rough day today.
I'd spent a good amount of time telling The Hubs how I feel a bit
overwhelmed with life stuff right now.
I've been trying to deal with a pretty fair amount of
stress and I felt like I was reaching a breaking point.
That said, today is Halloween and things were busy with the boys.
We had multiple school events, parties and whatnot to attend,
so there was no time for a mopy mommy.
I made it to Goose's school in time to get him
dressed and settled before we took part in the Halloween parade.
Tink had a party in his kindergarten class, was picked up early by MaMaw, and came to Goose's school to participate in the costume parade. He made it with just enough time to don his costume and be ready to go.
Here they are, in all of their Monsters, Inc. glory:
We marched around the building where Goose's school is and collected treats from all of the offices. The boys seemed to have a really good time.
Mommy, on the other hand, was still working to ignore her stress.
After feeling like I'd said "Please do not run" for the umpteenth time and beginning to sweat through my clothes, I was more than ready to be done.
After the parade, I told Goose I needed to take Tink to his after-school program (for yet another party) and I would be back for him.
Tink and I took off in an effort to get there before the party started.
We got there, quickly parked, and hopped out of the car to race inside.
As we headed for the dor, Tink grabbed my hand,
pulled me to a stop and said, "Mommy, you is great."
I asked him, "What do you mean I am great?"
He responded with, "You is great for me. You is great... my great mommy. You is great for me and Aiden."
I just about melted into the sidewalk.
I couldn't say anything at first because I didn't want to start
crying and worry him that he'd said something wrong.
Instead, I scooped him up in a hug, kissed his sweet face, nuzzled his neck,
and then quietly said, "Oh buddy, I love you so much."
He put his arms around my neck and just said, "Love you."
In that moment, I knew the other stuff I'd been worrying about didn't matter.
I knew that the most important job I have, the job of making
my boys feel loved, is something at which I am succeeding.
There is no way Tink had any idea how much I needed that today.
Regardless, he certainly did bless me with a sense of
love and peace I'd been unable to find on my own.
I am so grateful for my little monsters.
I hope your Halloween was a beautiful as mine.