Thursday, November 28, 2013

Toothless Tink

I'm finally going to have to admit my babies aren't really babies anymore.  

Well, one can still be my baby, but the other is definitely a big kid.  

Tink has lost his first tooth.  

I could tell you that he has been excited about his loose tooth, but that is a bit of an understatement.  He has been wiggling the heck out of that thing for a couple of weeks now.  

And the one next to it is getting pretty loose, too.

We are going to have some pretty gap-y Christmas pictures this year.  

Anyway, the losing of the tooth was rather interesting.  

Here is my Facebook post about it:

Yes, assuming your eyes can make out the 
tiny print, you did indeed read that correctly.  

The kid ate his tooth.  

So, I needed to figure out how the Tooth Fairy would handle a missing tooth.  

We decided to put Tink's tooth pillow out, sans tooth, for the Tooth Fairy.  

I asked Tink if he thought the TF would still come if there wasn't a tooth for her to take and he enthusiastically nodded his head while giggling like crazy.  

So, he was off to bed with his tooth pillow next to him.  

This was where the TF (ahem... this girl) decided to get creative.  

Kids don't just get money.  

I mean, they have to do something to earn it, even if that something is just losing a tooth.  Without a tooth, there is no evidence of them having done anything for the cash.  

So I decided the TF needed something more than an empty tooth pillow in order for her to fork over the dough.  

She did make an appearance, but all she left was a note.

Ok, I don't care how great your eyes are.  There is no way you can read that.

Here is what it says:


I saw your tooth pillow on the bed.  I checked it for your tooth, but didn’t see one.  I wasn’t sure if you’d meant to leave the tooth in the pocket and forgot or if you’d accidentally left the pillow out, not realizing I would think it meant I was suppose to be visiting.    

I tried to check your mouth to see if there were any baby teeth missing, but you are REALLY heavy.  I couldn’t roll you over to look in your mouth.  I was going to ask your mommy or daddy for help, but they were sleeping, too, and I didn’t want to bother them.  I had money to leave for you but, since I wasn’t sure if you’d actually lost a tooth, I kept it.

Anyway, if you want to leave me a note to let me know if you’ve lost any teeth, that would be great.  I will try to swing back by tomorrow night.  There are a TON of children in Morocco who’ve lost their teeth (November 18 is Morocco’s Independence Day. Who would have known dried apricots could wiggle out so many teeth?!), so I am going to be SUPER busy.  If I don’t make it back tomorrow, I will definitely be back by Tuesday.  

The Tooth Fairy

Tink woke up in the morning and had Daddy read the note to him.
When I went to his room to ask if the TF came to visit, this was our conversation:

Me: Hey, baby.  Did the Tooth Fairy come last night?
Tink: Yes.
Me: She did?! Awesome! Did she leave you any money?
Tink: Nope.
Me: What?! Why not?
Tink: She weave me a note.
Me: A note? What did it say?
Tink: See twy to woah me ober.
Me: She tried to roll you over?! Why would she do that?
Tink (giggling hysterically): Uh-tuz she want to see my mouf.
Me: Why did she want to see your mouth?
Tink: To see my toof.
Me: Ooooooohhhhh.  She wanted to see if you'd really lost your tooth?
Tink: Yep, but you & Daddy sweeping.

(This is where I feigned some serious confusion.)

Me: Me and Daddy were sleeping? What does that have to do with anything?
Tink: I too heah-bee.
Me: Oh, you were too heavy so she wanted us to help? 
Tink: Yeah.  

Me: So that is it? No money?

Tink: No, she coming back. 
Me: She is coming back?  Can I read the note?
Tink: I ah-weady.
Me: I know you already read the note, but I haven't read it.  Can I read it so I know what her plans are?
Tink: Ok.

I read the note and we talked about his having to write a letter to explain what happened to his tooth.  He decided he wanted to write it before going to school, so he sat down at the kitchen table and got to work.

It took Tink about 10 minutes to write his note.

I helped him to spell "Tooth Fairy" at the beginning, but the rest was all his doing.  

I have to say I am really proud of him and his emerging writing skills.  

Here it is:

I'm sure you are probably wondering what in the heck that says.

Wonder no more:

     Tooth Fairy
     I at my tuf.
     I kan my not giv it to you.


     Tooth Fairy,  
     I ate my tooth.  
     I cannot give it to you.  

And here is a better explanation of why his note looks as it does:

Darn it, he is the cutest.  
This little note sealed the deal.

Anyway, we wrapped the note up like the note 
the TF left for him and put it in his tooth pillow.  

She made an appearance and left him a dollar, but "forgot" the note.  
Evidently she dropped it on her way out.  
Guess that means mommy gets to keep it as a memento!  ;)

I could say Tink was excited about his dollar, but 
that, too, would be an understatement.  


He is planning to use it to buy himself a t-shirt with Santa on the front.
I'm not sure a dollar is going to cover that purchase, so Mama is likely going to have to fork over some more cash.  

It'll be worth it to see his toothless grin.